Mind & Matter
September 8, 2022Memory is an intrinsic part of our life experience. Our mind can only understand and live through things that are stored in our memory. It understands them in two dimensions – one is time, and the other is experience, which is converted to thoughts, beliefs, culture, etc. Some experience we inherit from our surroundings, and some we uniquely live through ourselves.
A person who suffers a loss of memory loses these two dimensions – Time & Experience – instantly! For them, the meaning of life becomes synonymous to what they experience at present. Rest, they are oblivious about.
So, what we live through and give so much importance in life are retrospections of past experiences that are stored in our memory archives. Even though it is about events that occurred twenty years ago, it seems like it happened yesterday. By giving them importance we try to live them in the present. However, we tend to forget that our present is different from our past.
What has evolved because of our past actions and experiences is our form of consciousness, and nothing more! Our body understands the passage of time more than it understands experience, especially because the element of time is visible as one ages. Just like the colour of a banana changes – both internally and externally – with time, in the same way, so does our body. It changes.
There are exceptions, of course. For example, souls born in a particular form of consciousness with physical limitations – in such cases, the form of consciousness travels out of its existence much quicker. Why that happens is a discussion for another day. However, it is sufficient to say that our Consciousness needs a form to evolve, which is nothing but a combination of our mind, intellect, and body.
An understanding of consciousness, both intellectually and spiritually, is extremely important to understand life & creation, the spiritual journey, and the evolution of life itself. The key is to understand who is the carrier and who is the traveller, where both need to respect each other and travel together, till we reach our time for transition.
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