The biggest killer is HOPE

May 4, 2022

On the face of it, hope might seem like an innocuous part of our life. But embrace it and it tends to give people miseries like no tomorrow.

“Hope in reality is the worst of all things because it prolongs the torment of man.”

– Friedrich Nietzsche

When the hope is false, it has the power to blind even the most well proven reality. The result is just prolonged suffering before it all inevitably ends. Sadly, that hope most definitely ends up dragging others down the same path. A vicious path indeed.

What are you hoping for?

When I speak of hope, I seldom speak in an archaic tongue. It stands no longer for a feeling of trust. It lays bare only desire.

If you are a selfish person whose hopes are connected to your selfish desires, to your id, then you will only be met with miseries. It’s like a bucket without a base; you will keep hoping for more until you are no more. I got there and I now hope this happens. I got this. I now hope that happens. Nothing will ever be enough.

But if you are hoping for the world to be at peace and are hoping for others to be happy then you see instantly that the bucket now has a base. You are just hoping for somebody else. You can start and stop every day. You can hope for them to stop and seize the wonders all around us. Accept, acknowledge and appreciate all that truly matters. But walk the opposite path and you walk alone and only for yourself. A road trodden so often that fate itself wants none of it anymore.

So, I do believe that hope is a beautiful word. Alas! It has two sides to it. It all depends on your mind – how you look at hope. If it is self-oriented then it attracts misery, if it’s for the greater good, other people, for the world and the universe then it is positive. I think when you hope for the good of the universe, you are part of it, and eventually that goodness? It trickles down to you too. So no point in talking just about one’s own self, talk about the world. Hope for a better tomorrow, hope for those that will never know, you prayed for their betterment while your own house burnt. Hope until all of your hope is nothing but true compassion. Hope until you can no longer live a life in peace with love and happiness until you can find ways to improve the lives of those who are marginalized, discriminated against and pitied.

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